Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Google giveth, Google, taketh away

Over the last few months, I've been using Google reader to to quickly browse through many-many RSS feeds from sources I track, and with a click on a "share" link, have those headlines be posted instantly here on the blog on the "grilling wire" section.

Well now, Google "upgraded" their reader, and no more "share" feature. Sure, I had to hack the shit out of it to work (subscribed the share feed to feed burner, which in turn created its own widget to post HTML into the right side column...), but once I got it going - it was easy and beautiful. I don't have ample amount of time to copy/paste and snipe some sarcasm at every good and important piece of news I found out there. It's a shame, I really liked zapping away shared links. I have no intention to start blogging like crazy 15 posts a day just because I find the content important, I have a life - and the blog is not an income source.

I'll blog now and then regarding the ongoing Jihad war by Muslims and Arabs against Jews and against Israel here, and I'll post every now and then at about general US related stories. The pace will get slow though.

Gosh I love Israeli Shawarma.

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